Thursday, March 22, 2012

March 22nd 2012

Hi everyone,
Things have gotten much better for us we feel like we are at least making a difference. We have had a great Stake Conference and a great Branch Conference. We were able to take a couple we are working with and they have been to other meetings as well. This is really a lift to us and has helped us. We have others we are working with that are coming a long but not as fast. It is nice to see some progress. We also moved into a different apartment and that has helped a lot. We bought us a couch and chair so we could be more comfortable. It has been hard to come from your own nice thinks to old and broken down things.
The work here is moving forward in baby steps and that is ok as long as we are able to keep it going forward. The Branch is not small in numbers but small in activity. We only have an average of 50 to 60 people in our Sacrament Meeting. A lot leave after Sacrament Meeting so that leaves even less for classes.
We are able to go to the Temple once a month and that has been a nice time for us. It is two hours and a half each way. So it takes most of the day.
The weather this week has been a lot of rain and down in the 50s after last week being in the 70s and 80s. So a big change a little frighting as they were talking about tornado watching. We got a lot of rain but not bad other wise.
We hope everything is going well for all of you. Love Elder and Sister Carter

Friday, February 3, 2012

Feb. 3rd

Hi everyone we hope all is well with you.We had a great District meeting this week. Our Mission president came. He always knows what to teach to get us fired up to do better and to keep going. We have had some attention church and several that are coming to cub scouts and the girls activity day. The way to help people come seems to be through the programs for their children. We are helping with the cub scouts and girls activities. It has been a log time since we did cub scouts. I think I was Rays den mother. Now ray has 2 boys in cub scouts.
We are loving the weather it is 77 today and the wind is warm. We had some rain today but with it this warm temp. It is not a problem. We hope all is well with you all. Love Elder and Sister Carter

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Jan. 22,2012

Hi everyone we are doing well and enjoying the weather. It was windy today but not cold. We talked in church today again so I should get used to it but I don't I don't know if it will ever be second nature for me. We have had more come to church and some to cub scouts and YW. The programs for the kids will make a lot of difference. We are staying busy and enjoying the time we have to study and learn.
We hope all of you are doing well write to us or e-mail we would love to hear from you.
Love Sister Carter

Friday, January 13, 2012

Jan. 13 2012

Hi Y' all,
I can't believe how fast time is passing. We are still working with the members and some days are good and some not so good. We are trying to get more lessons in now that we are friends and have been working with many of them for quite a while. We have had some good time helping with cub scouts and have meet some really nice people. We have had some come to church but not regular. We meet with most of them every week if we can just letting them know someone cares for them. I will write more next time .love sister Carter

Thursday, December 29, 2011


Hi everyone,
I can't believe it has been so long since I wrote on the blog. We are doing well and loving the weather here. It was 74 today and people out mowing their grass. It looks like spring here the grass is green and it is warming up nice. I hope it stays nice. We had a week of rain off and on the week before Christmas.
We are having some success we had one of the couples we have been working with the whole time we have been here come to church on Christmas. It was exciting. The mom with 4 children we have been working with has been to church 3 times in a row and we have had them over for FHE several times. Their boys love cub scouts so we are seeing some response. I know we need to learn patience and that has always been my big downfall.
We really enjoy going to District and Zone meetings they are always so uplifting it helps us keep going. We had a really nice Christmas Zone Confrence. We came away ready to conquer all of Texas. Well it is getting time to end our day. Write to us. Love Elder & Sister Carter

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Dec. 18

We have been busy this month. We have also had our ups and down times. Everyone is busy and some forget their we have not contacted as many people. We had a great zone meeting last week and it was fun to get together with other missionaries. Our Mission President is great we had such a up lifting meeting. It helps to have the encouragement.
Our Branch had a nice Christmas party and we had 2 of our families come. We have been helping with cub scouts because the one family we are activating have 3 boys so that adds a lot to the pack. The boys have a good time and it is fun to be their with them. We have a lot of members to work with. Their was 10 sisters today in RS. We have a lot of work to do. We love you all and wish you a Merry Christmas Elder and Sister Carter

Monday, December 5, 2011

Dec. 5 ,2011

Hi everyone,
Time has gone so fast this last week. In reading our last blog. It was Thanksgiving last time I wrote. We went to Granberry to see the light parade and the shoppes it was a lot of fun and the weather was perfect. Their was a town square with little shops all around with Christmas decorations and lots of fun things to see.

We are working with a family and some of them came to church on Sunday the mother and one of the children it was so nice to finally have them come on Sunday. The boys have been to cub scouts and the girl to activity days. Tonight we had them over for F.H.E. And decorated sugar cookies and had pizza. I think they had a good time.

We had a good lesson with our Spanish investigators last week we read with them from the
B of M and had a good discussion. It was fun to teach someone that was an investigator. Some time it is hard to have people give you so many excuses why they don't come to church or they tell you they will come but don't make it.

We went to the Temple on sat. with the adults in the ward their were only 7 of us that went It is hard for both husband and wife to go when you are gone so long. It takes two and a half hours each way. We had a good time. Then we went to the L.D.S. Book store and enjoyed it. It is strange to not have a distribution center close. We nave been so blessed to have LDS material so easy to buy.

The weather got cold this week end and we woke up to a skiff of snow this morning.
We have our Christmas tree up it is 2 ft. We also have a poinsettia and a snow man. Kira made us a Christmas wall hanging with scriptures to read each day. It really brightens our apartment. Everyone send Christmas cards so we can hear from you. Our address is
1100 Indiana #120
Graham, TX. 76450
We love to get mail or even e-mails it is great.
Well it is time to get some studying done and get to bed. We love you all and pray things are going well for you. Love Elder and Sister Carter